As part of the scientific activities for first-year students in the Computer Engineering Department, the department held an introductory seminar on the Bologna system for first-year students on Monday, December 11, 2023, at 10:30 am. The symposium was delivered by Dr. (Prof. Muhammad Essam Younis), Dr. (Prof. Nadia Adnan), and Professor (Mr. Muhammad Abdel-Saheb). The aim of the symposium was to introduce students to the Bologna path, its difference from the previous system, and its importance, along with what is appropriate for modernizing the educational process by implementing steps that would develop education paths in Iraqi universities. The students were also introduced to some important terminology for the system and how grades are distributed, which gave a clear vision of the students’ attendance and examination requirements. During the symposium, the students’ questions were answered by the professors to clarify the objectives of the path and the steps necessary to implement it correctly

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