As part of the scientific activities of the Department of Electrical Engineering/College of Engineering/University of Baghdad, Assist. Lect. Mahmood Sawadi, a faculty member in the department, presented a lecture entitled “Scientific Research Methods and Publishing Standards” on Tuesday, 5th Dec. 2023.

The lecture included a presentation of the most important publishing houses and solid international scientific journals and an explanation of the steps taken to ensure the integrity of scientific journals and how to avoid making mistakes by publishing in fake journals and websites or that do not comply with the scientific conditions clarified by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Scientific Promotions Law No. 167 of 2017. The lecture also explained the method of publishing scientific research, especially research submitted for scientific promotion in international journals, as well as clarifying the instructions for scientific promotions. The lecturer mentioned the mechanism for identifying the integrity of journals, and whether they are among the approved repositories (Scopus and Clarivate) or within the list of local journals approved by the Ministry and following up on periodic updates of journals emerging from Scopus.

The lecture touched on the scientific approach and method in ensuring the integrity of international and local scientific journals, in addition to authored and translated books, through a scientific and direct presentation of the research method on the most important official websites such as Scopus, Clarivate, and predatory publishing houses, as well as the website of Iraqi scientific academic journals and the website of authored and translated books.

At the conclusion of the lecture, the recommendation was made for the necessity of continuing training courses on the scientific research method for teachers according to their needs, and the need for researchers to strive diligently to enrich scientific knowledge in their field of specialization, in a way that contributes to raising the level of awareness and thinking about the various issues that scientific research can study, and the problems that it contributes to solving.

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