Under the sponsorship and supervision of the Honorable Head of the Environmental Engineering Department, Professor Dr. Iyad Abdel Hamza Faisal, the Environmental Engineering Department held on Monday, December 5, 2023, a celebration on the occasion of the retirement of Assistant Professor Dr. Jadwa Abdel Karim Al-Amin, with the participation of faculty members and students. The Department Head delivered a speech on the occasion. Respected Dr. Jadwa is a great academic figure. She played a major role in graduating successive generations of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate holders, and her mark was clear in the department by fully completing the tasks assigned to her within the department’s various committees. The students participated in the celebration and presented bouquets of roses to Dr. Jadwa and expressed their love and appreciation for her efforts in the department. Dr. Jadwa Abdel Karim held several positions in the Ministry of Environment, the most recent of which was Assistant Director of the Technical Department, before moving to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to work as a faculty member in the Environmental Engineering Department in 2006 until now. On this occasion, we can only pray to God to provide her with abundant health and wellness and to make retirement a good start for what is best for her.



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