Today, Thursday, November 23, 2023, witnessed an interactive scientific workshop in the Architecture Department at the University_of_Baghdad . The workshop engaged fifth-year students from both the University of Baghdad and the University_of_Karbala . The workshop was structured into two phases: the first phase involved discussions on proposals_forurban_development , led by Dr. Ghada Kamoona and Dr. Hala Shamsi from the University of Baghdad, alongside Dr. Raed Fawzi from the University of Karbala, fostering a diverse range of perspectives that positively impacted the workshop.

The second phase included an_exploratory_tour of the interior and exterior spaces to showcase projects by University of Baghdad students at the permanent_architectural_exhibition . It provided University of Karbala students with an opportunity to explore spatial and locational relationships. This tour was led by Dr. Ghada Kamouna, Dr. Hala Shamsi, and a select group of professors_from_the_University_of_Karbala .

This scientific interaction and cultural exchange enhance students_experiences and enrich their understanding of the field of architecture on this remarkable day.

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