Professor Dr. Shahlaa Esmail Ebrahim and PhD student Nour Al-Huda jassim from Environmental Engineering Department participated in the Fifth International Conference on Building Construction and Environmental Engineering, which was held by the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Technology in cooperation with the University of Jordan and Komar University in the city of Sulaymaniyah for the period from 21-22/11/2023 with the research titled:

Photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B utilizing two distinct nanocomposite core\shell structure (Zn0.3 Mn0.7.7 Fe2O4@AgVO3) and supported (Zn0.3 Mn0.7.7 Fe2O4@AgVO3) under the irradiation of visible light: synthesis, characterization, and its application

Professor Dr. Shahlaa Esmail Ebrahim also chaired one of the conference sessions.

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