The Civil Engineering Department at the College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, held on Tuesday 31-10-2023 M.Sc. thesis examination titled:


“Overall Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Longitudinal and Transverse GFRP bars”


By Student Shaysh Aziz Mohammed


The examination committee consisted of:


  1. Prof. Dr. Nazar K. Oukaili / University of Baghdad/ College of Engineering (chairman).
  2. Prof. Dr. Abbas Oda Dawood / Misan University / College of Engineering (member)
  3. Dr. Hayder Amer Al-Baghdadi / University of Baghdad/ College of Engineering (member)
  4. Prof. Dr. AbdulMuttailb I. Said / University of Baghdad/ College of Engineering (supervisor)


After conducting the public discussion and listening to the student’s defense, the thesis was accepted with an Excellent degree.


The thesis was summarized as follows:


Reinforced concrete (RC) elements face significant challenges in maintaining durability under harsh environmental conditions, with water exposure being a major contributor to their deterioration. Corrosion of the reinforcing steel bars occurs due to moisture-induced rust formation, leading to iron oxide layers with a larger volume than the original iron, causing concrete expansion and subsequent cracking. This necessitates the development of innovative methods and advanced technologies to protect concrete structures from these detrimental effects.

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