The impact of the gender concept on Iraqi families was analyzed. The event, led by academic experts, explored gender definitions and societal implications. It emphasized the requirement for such initiatives to address these concerns while simultaneously preserving cultural norms.


In September 2023, the Psychological Counselling and Educational Guidance Unit, in collaboration with the Continuing Education Unit at the University of Baghdad’s College of Engineering, hosted a workshop entitled ‘Challenges of the Gender Concept and Its Impact on the Iraqi Family’, under the guidance of Professor Dr Ghassan Hameed Abdul Majeed, the Dean of the College of Engineering. This seminar aimed to explore the intricate matter of gender and its impacts on Iraqi households. It convened scholars and practitioners to analyse various aspects of this subject.

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The seminar was impeccably led by Assistant Professor Dr. Fadel Shakir Al-Saadi, Director of the Educational and Psychological Research Centre at the University of Baghdad. Assisting him were Assistant Lecturers Ali Jaber Abdul and Marwan Yousif Al-Shammari, under the guidance of Ms. Hiba Muayad Mohammed, Director of the Psychological Counselling Unit at the College of Engineering.

The main aim of this event was to conduct a thorough analysis of the concept of gender, clarifying its terminology, interpretations, and practical implications with the help of concrete illustrations. The workshop illuminated the negative societal repercussions that arise from preconceptions and social norms relating to gender. In addition, it examined the depiction of gender roles by the media and emphasised the differentiation between gender and the promotion of women’s empowerment in society.


Professor Dr. Ghassan Hameed Abdul Majeed, the Dean of the College of Engineering, praised the workshop’s objective and critical analysis of gender-related issues. The significance of holding analogous workshops and seminars to tackle societal issues, especially those concerning gender, was emphasised alongside the analysis of the underlying factors contributing to these issues. Additionally, the importance of utilising cultural, psychological, and social techniques to safeguard valued traditions and customs amidst changing social paradigms was emphasised.

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