Computer Engineering Department at the College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, held MSc thesis examination titled:

” Modified Four-Dimensional Error Control Coding for NoC “

By the student Hamdan Kadhim Abed and supervised by Assist. Prof. Dr. Wameedh Nazar Flayyih. The examination committee consisted of:

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Isam Younis as Chairman, and the membership of Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayman Dawood Salman and Dr. Ammar Adel Hasan. After conducting the public discussion and listening to the student’s defense, the thesis was accepted. It was summarized as follows:

On chip communication is facing reliability issues manifesting as transient errors. As a result, multi-bit error control coding is required. The thesis proposed a modified four-dimensional error control coding for Network on Chip (NoC). Reliability analysis was done by deriving a new accurate mathematical model. The new method showed good results in terms of high reliability, reducing power consumption, reducing the area, and increasing the operating frequency on the chip compared to the results of the other coding schemes .

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