In an atmosphere full of appreciation, gratitude, and gratitude for what they have provided throughout their years of service in the Department of Chemical Engineering, the department held a ceremony that included all its employees to honor Prof. Dr. Sawsan Abd Muslim and Mrs. Ibtihaj Faisal Abdul Rahim on the occasion of their retirement. The Head of the Department, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Faiq Al-Alawy, delivered a speech in which he praised the efforts made by Dr. Sawsan and Mrs. Ibtihaj throughout their service and tirelessly, and the rest of the affiliates also praised their scientific and practical careers. At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Ahmed presented the shield of loyalty to Mrs. Ibtihaj, and Prof. Dr. Wadood Taher, Dean of Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering, in his capacity as one of the department’s members, presented the shield of loyalty to Dr. Sawsan, and the rest of the members gave them gifts expressing their love and appreciation for them.

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