College of Engineering \University of Baghdad, held MSc thesis examination titled

 “Effect of Recycled Coarse Aggregate on  Some Properties of No-Fine Aggregate  Concrete”

By student Roaa Kasim and supervised by Prof. Hadeel Khaled, the examination committee consisted of  prof.Dr. Nada Mahdi   as chairman , and membership of  Asst. prof. dr.Zena K. Abbas , Assist.  prof.Dr.Abdul Kader . After conducting the public discussion and listening to the students defense, the thesis was accepted with Excelent  degree . The thesis was summarized as follow:


  No-Fines concrete is a porous structural material produced from cement, 

water, and coarse aggregate. It has a large number of voids, which results in its 

lightweight and low strength. No-fine concrete has lower compressive strength, 

higher permeability and a lower density compared to conventional concrete. Due 

to its density and porosity, no-fines concrete has been utilized in constructing 

pavements since it is a cost-effective material. It permits rainwater to penetrate 

into the ground, recharging the aquifer. Moreover, it is employed in the 

construction of partitions and insulation.

 This research aims to investigate the influence of silica fume and 

polypropylene fiber on the properties of no-fine concrete with recycled aggregate. 

After several trail mixes the ratios of water to cement and cement to aggregate 

were chosen to be 0.3 and 1:4, respectively. The recycled aggregate was 

demolished reactive powder concrete used in the percentages of 10%, 20%, and 

30% as a substitution for coarse aggregate by volume. The recycled aggregate 

percentage of 10% was optimal as it shows the least adverse effect on the no-fine 

concrete mixes mechanical properties. The polypropylene fiber was then added 

to the no-fine concrete mixes with 10% recycled aggregate in the proportions of 

0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% by volume. The optimum percentage of polypropylene fiber 

was 0.5%, which improved compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and 

flexural strength by 14.92%, 29%, and 28%, respectively, when compared it to 

no-fine concrete mix with 10% recycled aggregate. Silica fume was used as a 

partial substitution for cement in the proportions of 5%, 8%, and 10%. The best 

percentage of silica fume was 10%, which enhances the compressive strength, 

splitting tensile strength, and flexural strength at 28 days by 31.75%, 18%, and 

20%, respectively, compared to no-fine concrete mix with 10%. The results show that by using 0.5% polypropylene fiber and 10% silica fume with 10% recycled 

aggregate, led to a significant increase in compressive strength, splitting tensile 

strength, flexural strength, and modulus of elasticity by 21% and 35.37%, 

40.32%, 35%, and 38.19%, respectively, compared to no-fine concrete mix with 

10%, While decrease the slump and compacting factor, by 6.13% and 5.68%, 

respectively, compared to no-fine concrete mix with 10%. The fresh density was 

lower by 0.2% and the dry density higher by 0.6%compared to no-fine concrete 

mix with 10%, while the water absorption was lower by 5.1% compared to no-fine concrete mix with 10%

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