On Wednesday, 14/6/2023, the Department of Mechanical Engineering was honored to visit the respected Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Ghassan Hamid Abdel Majeed, accompanied by the respected Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Asset. Prof. Dr. Kareem Hassan. They were received by the respected Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Dr. Fathi Abdel-Saheb Al-Shamaa, and a number of faculty members. His Excellency attended the defense of the doctoral dissertation of the student Shaker Jawad Jassim in the hall of Dr. Munther Al-Droubi, which was tagged:                          “Induced flow of underground water for cooling purpose using thermo-compressor steam system assisted by solar collector” The head of the department and the members of the discussion committee welcomed the presence of the esteemed Dean, who gave some important directives that could increase the level of presentations and discussions of theses and dissertations.

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