Professor Dr. Ayad Abdulhamza Faisal the head of Environmental Engineering Department  held on Tuesday 9/5/2023, in the discussion hall in the department the general faculty committee meeting.  A number of issues were discussed, including welcoming the new faculty members who have been placed by the Deanship of the College. Job obligations and duties have been explained, and at the same time their rights that the scientific department must provide to them as faculty members. The head of the department also presented the statistics on scientific research and the publication of scientific research prepared by the scientific assistant of the dean and was presented in the college council. The head of the department thanked the faculty members for the distinguished statistics of the scientific publication of the Environmental Engineering Department and urged the teaching staff to continue the outstanding performance and make double efforts in publishing. It was also directed that research teams should be formed from the department’s faculty members in order to increase scientific publication and emphasize the citation of research published in the journals of the University of Baghdad when Publication of research in international journals. The head of the department emphasized the concerted efforts of all faculty members to complete the preparation for the final exams, in a way that enhances the educational process. A number of other topics related to the department were discussed.


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