The students of the Department of Computer Engineering delivered 25 seminars in advanced computer architecture, under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Mohammed Issam Younis, the subject teacher, and it lasted from 10 am to 3 pm. The students interacted and gave their seminars smoothly and confidently, and confirmed that such an activity enhances their abilities in research and develops their skills in recitation.

In an interview with Professor Younis, he added that applying student-centered learning and getting rid of education centered around the traditional teacher and giving scientific material in another way is not only represented by exams and traditional assignments, but by the method of detonating energies within the student, researching and developing the resources of power in him through teaching the subject. Instead of giving one introductory material on an advanced topic, I assigned the students to make seminars for advanced topics, to present them, and to submit them to evaluation. The result was wonderful. Instead of viewing the introduction to a topic, the students looked at 25 advanced topics in record time, and a huge amount of cumulative knowledge was the result of this activity. I will repeat the experiment and expand it in the future to develop the student’s capabilities that enable him to practice his specialization in the labor market, as well as to prepare him as an independent researcher who makes his way in research and development in state institutions and departments. The Head of the Department of Computer Engineering and the Department Council have appreciated these efforts of the professor and students.

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