In application of the continuous scientific follow-up and scientific motivation method adopted by the Department of Chemical Engineering in order to improve the scientific level of postgraduate students, the department held a seminar for doctoral students through which the most important results reached by students during the second half of the current academic year 2022/2023 were identified. By comparing their previous results and checking the stages of writing their dissertations during the first semester, the discussion committee sensed a significant improvement in the level of students through the accuracy of the results and their interpretations and the progress in the theoretical and practical writing stage.

It is noteworthy that the discussion committee consisted of the following professors:

  • Dr. Najwa Saber Majeed
  • Dr. Muthanna Jabbar Ahmed
  • Prof.Dr.Hayder Abdulkareem Rashid
  • Prof.Dr.Raghad Fareed Qasim
  • Prof.Dr.Rasha Habeeb Salman
  • Prof.Dr.Nada Naoom


The seminars included five different research topics, as shown below:


  • Student Sally Ali, supervised by Prof. Muthanna Jabbar Ahmed presented her research titled: Adsorption of inorganic anions on char derived from the co-pyrolysis of waste tires and biomass.
  • Student Hala Jassim under the supervision of Asist.Prof. Dr. Mahmood Khazzal Hummadi reviewed the results of her tagged search: Preparation and characterization of nanoparticles using biotechnology approaches and investigation of their pollution.
  • Student Zainab Ali, supervised by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Faiq Hassan presented her tagged research: Application of Smart Draw Agents in Forward Osmosis Process For Waste water Treatment.
  • Student Nagham Ali and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Basma Abbas Abdulmajeed presented her research titled: Preparation and Characterization of Hydrogels and Its Application as Polymers Drug Delivery System.
  • Student, Sarmad Abdulrazzaq Rashid, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wadood Taher Mohammed, presented the results of his research tagged: Modified Photocatalytic Advanced Oxidation Process for Refinary Effluent Treatment.


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