It was conducted on Wednesday, 3/5/2023, in hall of Dr. Munther Al-Droubi the discussion of the master’s thesis of the student Yousif Fateh Midhat, which is tagged:                                                                                                                              

“Thermo-hydraulic Performance Analysis of a Tubular Solar Air Heater with and without PCM as thermal energy storage”.                                                                     

  The discussion committee consisted of names listed below:                                          

Prof. Dr. Dhamyaa Saad Khudur – University of Mustansiriyah / College of Engineering / Department of Mechanical Engineering – Chairman.                           

Asst. Prof. Dr. Luma Fadhil Ali – University of Baghdad / College of Engineering / Department of Mechanical Engineering – Member.                                                           

Lec. Dr. Issam Hasan Alaameri – University of Baghdad / Presidency of Baghdad University – Member.                                                                                                              

Asst.Prof. Dr. Issam M. Ali Aljubury – University of Baghdad/ College of Engineering/ Department of Mechanical Engineering – Supervisor.

 The thesis was summarized as follows:

     The present study investigates the thermo hydraulic performance of a new designed solar air heater (SAH), with and without employing phase change material (PCM), as an attempt to achieve higher thermal efficiency in comparison with the conventional SAH of the flat absorber, and extend its longer operational time. Three SAHs have been designed and tested in Baghdad, Iraq. These heaters were conventional SAH with a flat plate absorber (FPSAH), jacketed-tubes absorber solar air heater (JTSAH), and jacketed-tubes absorber of jackets filled with a PCM (JTSAH/PCM). Outdoor tests were conducted in three clear days from November 27th, 2021 to December 30th, 2021, and carried out from 8 AM to the end of operating time when air temperature difference becomes neglected. Each SAH was tested in three air flow rates, 0.011, 0.033, and 0.055 kg/s. Extra thermal power during day hours can be stored in the PCM to be used after sunset. The JTSAH/PCM gave additional operational time after sunset for 4 hours, 2.5 hours, and one hour at 0.011, 0.033, and 0.055 kg/s flow rates respectively. Experimental results showed that the JTSAH gave a temperature difference higher than the FPSAH at any air flow rate and any time. The maximum temperature difference obtained was 35 °C at the FPSAH, 39.7 °C at the JTSAH, and 32 °C at the JTSAH/PCM at 0.011 kg/s. It was observed that the maximum daily thermal efficiency obtained by JTSAH/PCM (78%), compared with the JTSAH (75%), and FPSAH (55 %) at 0.055 kg/s. Also, the JTSAH/PCM showed a daily exergy efficiency of 2.8%, higher than the FPSAH and the JTSAH by 1.6 %, and 0.6 %, respectively, at 0.011 kg/s. The JTSAH/PCM saves about 1652 $/year, with an increment by 52 $/year, and 476 $/year higher than the JTSAH, and FPSAH, respectively, at 0.055 kg/s.

   After scientific discussions by the discussion committee members on the contents of the thesis in-depth and expressing their observations, directives, and defense by the student, the thesis was accepted and the student was awarded the M.SC in mechanical engineering sciences with a grade of excellent.                        

    On this occasion, we thank the student Youssef Fateh Medhat for his outstanding efforts throughout the study period, wishing him continued success. We also thank the supervisor and members of the discussion committee for their diligent and distinguished effort, in a manner appropriate to presenting the thesis in the best way and in accordance with the scientific level presented.





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